Mediation Representation

We are experienced at representing parties at both round table style mediations and shuttle mediations (where separate rooms are used to avoid the parties coming into contact) depending on your preference.

In parenting matters, Family Dispute Resolution Conferencing (which is a form of mediation) generally must be undertaken before any party can commence proceedings in Court (subject to certain exceptions). We have had experience in representing clients in front of a range of very experienced and senior mediators and can give you advice on which senior mediator might be the right “fit” to best resolve your parenting dispute or property settlement.

The benefits of attending at a lawyer assisted mediation are endless. Matters which settle at mediation avoid the client being put to the significant financial and emotional cost of proceeding to trial before a Judge.

Mediation allows the client to remain empowered throughout the entire process and gives them the ultimate say on what the final decision will be and when it will take effect.